Clay is limitless potential.
I enjoy making those possibilities actual.
As a young child, I loved to play with clay and anything that I could form with my hands, but it wasn't until I moved to New Haven in 2015 that I took my first pottery class. After being introduced to wheel throwing at Creative Arts Workshop, I was happy to turn away from my former career in philosophy and get my hands muddy.
I love every aspect of pottery: working on the wheel, taming the centrifugal forces that act on the clay and coaxing a vessel to form; carving and incising designs into the clay; the magic and chemistry of glazing. I am excited by the endless possibilities that clay has to offer, and look forward to continuing to explore different styles and techniques.
I particularly enjoy pursuing the fusion of beauty and function in everyday objects, inspired by the way that pottery in many different cultural traditions reveals the character and values of the creators and the users of their artifacts.